This is a site for student journalists to show off

Proud of your work? Want others to praise your outstanding contribution to journalism and photography? Send in samples of your best work, and then sit back and accept the accolades.
Meanwhile, until samples roll in go to "Search This Blog" at the top left of the page, type in "page design," click on "The Web" and see some really good stuff online, including a nifty You Tube show.

Wasn't that fun? Next, type in "feature stories" and see what you get.

Thinking about going online because of the budget crisis? Check this site for information.   The price seems right; top-of-the-line for $600.

A Master Photographer on "caring photography."

Thanks to Dr. Edmund Lo for showing me this video. It will be worth your time and could change your life as a photojournalist.

Dave LaBelle | The Lesson from Francis Gardler on Vimeo.

Here's a smashing new site — at least for me — called SMASHING MAGAZINE with an interesting article on color theory. Check it out.

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